23. Adding Data to a Vector

Adding Data to a Vector

In the previous exercises, you have declared and initialized vectors, and you have also accessed vector elements. In order to make full use of vectors in your code though, you will need to be able to add additional elements to them. Have a look at the following notebook for examples of how to do this.


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  • Default file path:
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  • Opened files (when workspace is loaded): n/a

On to an Exercise

In this notebook and the last, you learned about two useful tools:

  • String streams, and
  • vector push_back .

The string streaming objects in C++ are very powerful, and there are are many more ways that an istringstream can be used. We encourage you to have a look at all of the available functions in the C++ reference . However, at this point you are ready for the next exercise. In the next exercise, you will parse string lines from the board and store the int s in a vector using an istringstream object and the push_back method. Have a careful look a the previous examples again, and copy paste any code you think you might need before clicking the Next button below.