03. Quiz: Lists and Membership Operators

Quiz: List Indexing

Use list indexing to determine how many days are in a particular month based on the integer variable month, and store that value in the integer variable num_days. For example, if month is 8, num_days should be set to 31, since the eighth month, August, has 31 days.

Remember to account for zero-based indexing!

Start Quiz:

month = 8
days_in_month = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]

# use list indexing to determine the number of days in month


Quiz: Slicing Lists

Select the three most recent dates from this list using list slicing notation. Hint: negative indexes work in slices!

Start Quiz:

eclipse_dates = ['June 21, 2001', 'December 4, 2002', 'November 23, 2003',
                 'March 29, 2006', 'August 1, 2008', 'July 22, 2009',
                 'July 11, 2010', 'November 13, 2012', 'March 20, 2015',
                 'March 9, 2016']
# TODO: Modify this line so it prints the last three elements of the list

Mutability Matching Quiz


Suppose we have the following two expressions, sentence1 and sentence2:

sentence1 = "I wish to register a complaint."
sentence2 = ["I", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "."]

Match the Python code below with the value of the modified sentence1 or sentence2. If the code results in an error, match it with “Error”.


Python code

Value of sentence1 or sentence2

"I wish to register a complaint!"

["Our Majesty", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "."]

["We", "want", "to", "register", "a", “complaint”, "."]

["I", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "!"]



Python code

Value of sentence1 or sentence2

["Our Majesty", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "."]

["We", "want", "to", "register", "a", “complaint”, "."]

["I", "wish", "to", "register", "a", "complaint", "!"]
